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What's New in 2024

November 2 - 3, 2024

This weekend at the 603 Misfits UDC Club show, Booba passed the UDC adult temperament test with a pronounced rating, and in each of the three conformation shows that followed, she was graded "Excellent" and awarded a "CC" towards the UDC-Championship.  In Show #1, Boo went Reserve.  In Show #2 and Show #3, she was "Best of Breed". 


Booba has been shown five times to date. In her limited show career she has been Best Youth x2, BOB x2, and RWB x1.  She has been graded "Excellent" four times (always under a different judge) and has received four CC's.   


After her success this weekend, Boo meets two of the three requirements to be a UDC-Champion.    

June 8, 2024

Brava received the PSA PDC -protection dog certificate- today at the Outcast PSA Trial in Middletown, New York under Judge Joe Parks.  As far as I can tell, Brava is the first Doberman in history to receive the PDC while also being a conformation Champion.  She is almost certainly the first UDC-Ch. to receive the PSA-PDC in the history of the breed.  I am so proud of my little girl, she really deserved this.   

April 16 - 21, 2024

Brava, Booba and I made the seven hour drive from New York to Washingtonville OH to compete in the 2024 UDC National.  The National event was a tremendous success for us.  Brava was shown twice in the Champion class.  Both times she was graded "Excellent", and she was awarded two CC's towards her UDC grand championship.      

After passing the UDC Youth Temperament Test, Booba made her show ring debut in the youth class, where in both shows she was the "Best Youth".  She was also rated "Excellent" and received her first CC towards the UDC-Championship!   

Brava and I competed in all three Obedience trials at the National.  In shows 1 and 2 we placed first in Novice B with a phenomenal 199.5!  This was good enough for "High in Trial".  In show 3 we NQ'd when Brava inexplicably dropped on what was supposed to be a straight recall.   Nonetheless, I am super proud of Brava's tremendous achievements at the National, which in their totality led to her receiving the very prestigious "High Point All Around" trophy.  

This award was created by Vic Montleon (Montwood) and Ray Carlisle (Cara) to honor the memory of Ray's legendary bitch, Alida v. Flandrischen Löwen and the Total Doberman.  The Total Doberman has always been my dream and vision, so to receive this award so unexpectedly just seems like real vindication and validation for traveling down a path that some people have criticized.      

Livonija Baronesa Malena, Best Youth at the 2024 United Doberman Club National
Livonija Baronesa Malana, Best of Breed
Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava, high in trial at the 2024 United Doberman Club National Obedience competition.
Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava United Doberman Club National High in Trial Winner

What's New in 2023

October 28 - 29, 2023

I brought Brava and Never up to Lowell Massachusetts to show them in conformation at the 603 Misfits Doberman Club's "OkDoberFest".  Brava was presented in the Champion class and won her class in two of the three shows, while Never, his first time in the ring, was presented in the puppy class.  Never passed the puppy temperament test on day one and was best opposite puppy in all three shows that followed.  This was a small but well-organized event put on by a new club. It was a great opportunity for Never to spend some quality time with his boss! 

July 15 - 16, 2023

Brava competed in the performance class at this years UDC regional specialty hosted by the Upstate Doberman Club of NY.  The highlight of our weekend was on Sunday when Brava won her class and then became the winners bitch in a  very large entry.  With this victory, Brava is now a UDC-Champion.  

July 11, 2023

It's official.  Brava has qualified for the 2023 DPCA Top 20 Obedience event.  We placed 19th with a total of 396 points. I'm so proud of my littles bubs for this super achievement!  

July 3, 2023

Welcome home Livonija Baron Nil Nisi Bene and Livonija Baronesa Malena! 

Thanks to Jelena and Anna Pipira of Livonija Doberman kennel for their faith and trust in me.  I am tremendously honored.  

June 24 - 25, 2023

Brava received the third and final leg towards the Companion Dog title this weekend when she scored a 198 in Novice B under Judge Karen Wrey at the Staten Island Companion Dog Training Club's all-breed Obedience Trial.  This result was good enough for a 1st place finish and a NEW TITLE.  She is now: 


Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava, CD, WAC   


On Sunday, in a bumped entry, we again placed first with a 196.  And now the real work begins as Brava and I start our journey in Open.  

April 15 - 16, 2023

Brava earned her first two qualifying scores in Novice B at this weekend's all-breed Obedience trial held by the Staten Island Companion Dog Training Club. We placed second on both days with a very nice score of 198 under judge Frank Cardillino.  

Livonija Baronesa Malena and Livonija Baron Nil Nisi Bene
Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava, CD, WAC
Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava

What's New in 2018

April 24 - 28, 2018

It was a mixed bag for Brava and I at the 2018 UDC National in Sedalia Missouri. She fared reasonably well in conformation, receiving two CC's towards her championship, and she passed the adult temperament test in convincing fashion as well. We also participated in the DPCA's Working Aptitude Evaluation. Brava received the Working Aptitude Certificate for her efforts. Unfortunately our performance in obedience was disappointing. Three trials, three NQ's.    

What's New in 2016

August 20 - 21, 2016

The 2016 UDC Northeastern Conformation Regional was held this weekend in Shaftsbury Vermont. Brava was shown in the puppy class, and she became Best Opposite Puppy on both days.  Pompey was shown in the Champion Class.  It was a stressful weekend for Pompey, and after a poor showing on day one, I pulled his entry on day two. 

April 19 - 23, 2016

An exciting week of highs and lows at the 2016 UDC National in Medina Ohio where Pompey earned his second and third career "High in Trial" awards at this prestigious National event under AKC judge Catherine Thompson, scoring a 195 and a 196.5 out of Novice B. After last years grand success, our results this year in conformation were slightly disappointing. Even though Pompey was the winner of the Champion Class on both days he was unable to come away Best of Breed. Perhaps I could have had Pompey in better show condition, and better prepared for the tough competition a National event attracts. Little Brava was exhibited in her very first show and presented herself beautifully. She placed second in the puppy class on both days and passed the puppy temperament test, nipping her boss the entire way through.

What's New in 2015

December 16, 2015

Welcome to America my little Latvian Princess: Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava!  Thanks to her breeder, Jelena Pipira, for allowing me to take home my beautiful little star!

October 24, 2015

Pompuschk received the WAC today under judge John Schoeneman at the WAE hosted by the Doberman Pinscher Club of the Tappen Zee.  Pompuschk is now  UDC-Ch. Livonija Baron Pompey, CD, WAC, ATT

September 29, 2015

Pompuschk scored a 197 today in Novice B at the DPCA Nationals in Lancaster Pa under judge John Landis.  This result was good enough for first place in a large entry of 11 Dobermans.  We missed High in Trial by a mere 1/2 point!


September 27, 2015

Today Pompuschk and I scored first place in Novice B with a score of 197.5 under judge Janet Lewis at the DPCA Regional Specialty Obedience Trial. This result was good enough for our first ever "High in Trial", defeating over 40 of the top Dobermans and trainers in the country!   

August 22 & 23, 2015

A first place finish for Pompey in the Champion Class on both days at the Vermont Total Doberman Club's Regional Conformation Specialty. 

April 14 & 15, 2015

An exciting week at the UDC Nationals in Winchester Kentucky were Pompey received his third and final CC, thereby sufficiently meeting the requirements to become a UDC Champion! To cap off our conformation success, the next day Pompey became the Reserve Winners Dog under breeder/judge Nancy Christensen.  Unfortunately, we were not as successful in Obedience.  We NQ’d on both days as Pompuschk broke on the honor down on day one and the sit on day two.  However, I am so pleased with my boy, who is now a UDC Champion and the RWD at the UDC Nationals! 

What's New in 2014

Aug. 23 & 24, 2014

Pompuschk passed the UDC Adult Temperament Test with a "Pronounced" rating at the 2014 UDC Northeast Regional Conformation show held by the Vermont Total Doberman Club.  On Saturday he received his first CC towards the UDC Championship and on Sunday was made the "RESERVE WINNERS DOG" under AKC Judge Steve Wolfson and received his second CC.

Feb. 1, 2014

At the Obedience trial hosted by the Staten Island Companion Dog Training Club Pompuschk receives the title COMPANION DOG under Judge Lynn Currey with a qualifying score of 188.5 points and a third place finish.

Jan. 11, 2014

Pompuschk qualified in Novice A at the large all-breed Obedience trial hosted by the Princenton Dog Training Club in Piscataway New Jersey.  We received 192 points under Judge Louann Currey.  Tied for second place by points, Pompuschk and I lost the run-off.  Nevertheless, an excellent result in a large entry.

Oct. 27, 2013

At the Obedience trial held in conjunction with the annual Doberman Specialty hosted by the Doberman Pinscher Club of the Tappen Zee, Borschk and I qualified in Novice A with 190 points and first place.  Thanks to Judge Lynda Moore for making our first experience in the ring a memorable one!  

June. 27, 2013

Today, 22 months old, Pompuschk passed the temperament test administered by the American Temperament Test Society.   

Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava
Livonija Baron Pompey, HIT at the 2016 UDC National Obedience Trial.
Livonija Baronesa Costa Brava
Livonija Baron Pompey HIT at the 2015 DPCA Regional Specialty
Livonija Baron Pompey RWD 2015 UDC National
Livonija Baron Pompey
United Doberman Club, Total Doberman

Proud member of the United Doberman Club - working together to perserve the Doberman as a working dog in America!

© del'Aglio Dobermans 2014

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