Sheena Selima del Citone,
Sheena was the first and the only Doberman from Pierluigi Pezzano’s world renowned kennel “del Citone’ to be imported to America. When she arrived in New York at eight weeks old, it was literally a dream come true for me.
Sheena was a beautiful, elegant Doberman with nobility and "Adel". She was dry, short-backed, with excellent markings and an exceptional croup and hind-angulations. Sheena was a very “typey” Doberman, with the classic “del Citone” head piece.
As a working dog, Sheena was very energetic and possessed a lot of temperament. She was extremely reactive to other dogs and was slightly sensitive to environmental stressors even though she was very sound-sure. Ultimately, I wanted much stronger nerves and more confidence from a breeding bitch, and for those reasons I never bred her.
Hindsight is always 20/20 and today, with the luxury of over twenty years experience I can now fully appreciate just how my shortcomings as a dog handler / owner and trainer directly led to Sheena's lack of success as a working dog. The fact is that she was a way better dog than I was ready for or deserved at the time.

Health Results
11.03.2001 - 11.06.2011
EKG Normal (11/06)
24hr Holter normal (11/06)
vWD Clear (Vetgen)
Cerf Normal
Thyroid Normal (MSU)
Reni vom Norden Stamm

Chanel Charmante della Sinvessa
Astor del Citone
Arielle d'Amour del Citone
Isabell vom Marchengarten